Veterinary Medicine SMS, STA, STT 1 (9) 1 (6) 2020/21 E CADIZ01 Universidad de Cádiz All ceiA3 areas STA, STT 1 (5) 1 (5) 2020/21 E CORDOBA01 Universidad de Córdoba All ceiA3 areas STA, STT 1 (5) 1 (5) 2020/21 E HUELVA01 Universidad de Huelva All ceiA3 areas STA, STT 1 (5) 1 (5) 2020/21
Since 2007, ERASMUS has been continued within the EU’s new education program, the Life Long Learning Program (LLP). The following are eligible for mobility through the LLP-ERASMUS Program: Study Abroad for Students (SMS) Internships for Students (SMP) Visiting lecturer (STA) Mobility of Staff (STT) Intensive Programs (IP)
Belgium . B GENT01 Ghent University Biochemistry SMS 2 (10) 2020/21 Veterinary Medicine SMS, STA 2 (6) 1 (10) 2020/21 . Croatia . HR ZAGREB01 University of Zagreb Veterinary Medicine SMS, STA 1 (3) 1 (5) 2020/21 SMS/SMT: bis Sommer/Herbst 2021; STA/STT: bis Mai 2022; Erasmus Charta für die Hochschulbildung 2014-2020 Jede Hochschuleinrichtung, die am EU-Programm für Erasmus Code) in STA-STT import template 12 1.3 01/10/2013 Adaptations to Mobility Tool version 3.2; changed order Erasmus Code Mandatory; only for SMS SMS - Student mobility for Studies STA - Staff mobility for Acedemic Purposes STT - Staff mobility for Training Action Type KA107 - Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries SMS; STA; STT; Fördersätze SMS. Erasmus Code: D FLENSBU01; EUC Reference Number 28758-EPP-1-2014-DE-EPPKA3-ECHE; Erasmus Insitutional Coordinator: Ulrike 4. In 2011 MBNA started also SMS and STA (plus 2 STT started in 2012-2013). 5.
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Call Year: 2020. Start of Project 01/08/2020 End of Project 31/07/2022 (2023) DATA TO PARTNER COUNTRIES - PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Erasmus + KA107 in short Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears 2016-2018 Erasmus+ KA107 · EU partner countries Incoming Outgoing SMS SMP STA STT SMS SMP STA STT 2016-2017 --- --- 3 2 -----2017-2018 --- --- 2 1 -----2---2016-2018, 2 countries & 2 higher education institutions Erasmus Charta für die Hochschulbildung 2014-2020 Jede Hochschuleinrichtung, die am EU-Programm für allgemeine und berufliche Bildung, Jugend und Sport 2014-2020 (hiernach „das Programm“ genannt“) teilnehmen und/oder sich darum bewerben möchte, muss über eine gültige Erasmus Charta für die Hochschulbildung (ECHE) verfügen. ERASMUS JORNADA DE MOVILIDAD ERASMUS Acciones Programa Erasmus SMP STT STA EILC IP • movilidad de estudiantes para prácticas • movilidad de personal para formación • movilidad de personal para impartir docencia • cursos intensivos de lengua Erasmus • programas intensivos SMS • movilidad de estudiantes para estudios Razpis za Erasmus SMS za š.l. 2018-2019 (ŠTUDIJ) Razpis za učno osebje STA, STT 2019/2020. Izjava 2019-2020; Prijavni obrazec (STA/STT) Erasmus+ Personalmobilität zu Fort- und Weiterbildungszwecken (STT) Was ist Erasmus+ STT? Als eine weitere unterstützende Maßnahme zur Internationalisierung der Hochschulen sind mit der Förderlinie Erasmus+ STT Fort- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen von Hochschulpersonal (Lehre und Verwaltung) an europäischen Hochschulen und an ausländischen Einrichtungen / Unternehmen innerhalb des Erasmus Erasmus+ Fortbildungsaufenthalt (STT) – Outgoing (Programmländer: EU/EWR, MK, RS, TR) Bitte beachten Sie: gemäß Verlautbarung vom 10.6.2020 , bedürfen Auslandsreisetätigkeiten ab Montag, 15. Juni 2020 nicht mehr einer Sondergenehmigung des Rektorates (der übliche Antragstellungsprozess ist wieder möglich). Ankara University Rectorate , Beşevler 10.
Ders Verme Hareketliliği - Genel Bilgi - STA - Hibeler + Giden Personel Gerekli İşlemler - Hareketlilik Öncesi STA - Hareketlilik Sonrası STA - Gerekli Belgeler; Eğitim Alma Hareketliliği - Genel Bilgi - STT - Hibeler + Giden Personel Gerekli İşlemler - Hareketlilik Öncesi STT - Hareketlilik Sonrası STT SMS/SMT/ STA/STT Language Requireme nt (Students) Language Requirement s (Teaching Staff) Agreement Validity Additional Informatio n Croatia University of Zadar HR ZADA R 01 Humanities and Social Sciences Languages and Philological Sciences (English) STA and STT Only for staff teaching and training - EN-C1 2015/16-2022 https://ww GZ/lb Z:\Documenti1\Erasmus\2010.2011\Terza Assegnazione borse Erasmus SMS, SMP, STA, STT a.a 10-11.doc Pagina 1 di 3 Faenza, 31/08/2010 Prot. 2870/C37B A tutti gli studenti iscritti al programma LLP/Erasmus Affissione Albo ISIA Affissione sito web ISIA Agli atti Oggetto: Terza assegnazione borse per LLP/Erasmus Student SMS, Place- Erasmus SMS STA STT English? website Turquia 36 Anadolu Universit (Eskisehyr) x x x x TR ESKISEH01 3 2 37 Istambul Technical University.
Erasmus Code) in STA-STT import template 12 1.3 01/10/2013 Adaptations to Mobility Tool version 3.2; changed order of columns in the tables 3.2 All 1.4 10/10/2013 Correction in SMS-SMP import file template, fields O, P, Q, R and T 3.2 4 Acknowledgement This version of Mobility Tool Erasmus Data Dictionary applies only to the Mobility Tool
The aim of Staff Mobility is amongst other things to provide teaching content to students at partner institutions who are not able or do not wish to go abroad, and thereby supplement the teaching offered by the partner institution. ITS - Gozo Triq l-Isqof Buttigieg, Qala QLA 1042, Gozo +356 2379 3400 Call for: STA (teaching)/or STT (training)/or Student Mobility for Studies (SMS)/ or Student Mobility for Practice* at the University of Bialystok. Professors/employees involved in the development of the Erasmus + programme, can be treated more prioritized in the recruitment procedure (for example granted with additional points etc.). SMS = Student Mobility for Studies, SMT = Student Mobility for Traineeship, STA = Staff Mobility for Teaching, STT = Staff Mobilityfor Training 2 3 1 (2) = 1 student for 2 months Veterinary Medicine SMS, STA 2 (10) 2 (5) 2020/21 E BARCELO02 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Veterinary Medicine SMS, STA, STT 1 (9) 1 (6) 2020/21 E CADIZ01 Universidad de Cádiz All ceiA3 areas STA, STT 1 (5) 1 (5) 2020/21 E CORDOBA01 Universidad de Córdoba All ceiA3 areas STA, STT 1 (5) 1 (5) 2020/21 Erasmus Code) in STA-STT import template 12 1.3 01/10/2013 Adaptations to Mobility Tool version 3.2; changed order Erasmus Code Mandatory; only for SMS SMS/SMT: bis Sommer/Herbst 2021; STA/STT: bis Mai 2022; Erasmus Charta für die Hochschulbildung 2014-2020 Jede Hochschuleinrichtung, die am EU-Programm für Institution) for STA-STT import file template 15 1.9 07/10/2014 Change of the acknowledgement 1.0 1 Clarification on start and end dates for SMS and SMP mobilities 5 1.10 08/10/2014 Change in start and end dates for SMS and SMP mobilities 1.0 5 Corrections of wording – "study periods" to "mobility periods" 5, 6 Studienaufenthalt im Ausland (SMS) Praktikumsaufenthalt im Ausland (SMP) Auslandsaufenthalt für Lehrtätigkeit (STA) Auslandsaufenthalt zur Fort- und Weiterbildung (STT) Strategische Partnerschaften zwischen Bildungseinrichtungen aus teilnehmenden Ländern; Wissensallianzen von Einrichtungen in der Arbeits- und Ausbildungswelt Erasmus/ Great Britain Bradford University UK BRADF OR01 Humanitie s and STT *(SMS: STA STA STT STA STT ) STA STT STA; STT) STA/STT Engineering and Natural SMS STA/STT Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Passport/Personal Number X X X X Learning Agreement X X Mobility Agreement X X Grant Agreement X X X X Letter of Acceptance X X Plane Ticket X X Arrival meeting X X Certificate of Insurance X X X Invitation Letter X (PhD) X EU Online Survey X X X X Prelim.
LLP - ERASMUS . In the years 2007 SMS, and student training mobility - STM (the former edition, Socrates-Erasmus did not include training mobility). SMS SMP STA STT 2007/2008 323 6 31 1 2008/2009 347 6 40 9 2009/2010 352 6 32 1 2010/2011 300 11 31 12 2011/2012 332
2018. Rezultati Natječaja 2017-KA107-STA … Erasmus dotacija pri STA in STT znaša 80% upravičenih stroškov (dnevnice, prevoz in nastanitev) do višine 500€. Dotacija se na članico nakaže po zaključeni mobilnosti in predloženi dokumentaciji o izvedeni mobilnosti ( poročilo, potrdilo in kopija zaključenega potnega naloga z računi). Erasmus Kodu Üniversite Başlangıç Yılı Bitiş Yılı SMS SMP STA STT Detaylar Harita Ön Lisans Top lam/K n Lisans Top lam/K n Yüksek Lisans Top lam/K n Doktora Top lam/K n Ön Lisans Lisans Yüksek Lisans Doktora 1 Eczacılık Fakültesi Eczacılık Çek Cumhuriyeti Brno CZ BRNO06 University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in ERASMUS + Programme (2014-2020) The ERASMUS + program is dedicated to individual student and academic staff mobility, interinstitutional cooperation and exchange of best practices at international level, and support for institutional policy reforms. Erasmus+ is a Programme its main objective is to support the creation of a European Area of Higher Education and reinforce the contribution of Higher and Vocational Education to advance the innovation process.. Through the Erasmus+ Programme, the Higher Education Institutions can offer to its students, teachers and administrative staff a period of studies or work experience, education or Izjava – STA – STT – 2016-2017 Pretekli razpisi Pretekle razpise najdete v arhivu fakultete, v mednarodni pisarni Evropske pravne fakultete Nove univerze. Grant agreement and final report (STA/STT) Coming to PH Zurich within the programme for staff exchange for training (STT) A staff exchange for training is aimed at administrative and academic staff members of European partner institutions of the PH Zurich and has a duration of two days minimum and six weeks maximum (usually one week).
Grant agreement and final report (STA/STT) Coming to PH Zurich within the programme for staff exchange for training (STT) A staff exchange for training is aimed at administrative and academic staff members of European partner institutions of the PH Zurich and has a duration of two days minimum and six weeks maximum (usually one week). Powered by © QS Unisolution company and the product © MoveON. All Rights Reserved. Erasmus code Name of the institution Country Contact ISCED Subject area name Study cycle SMS SMT ISCED Subject area name STA STT Language HU BUDAPES01 Eotvos Lorand University Hungary 0 0 011 Education 2/5 days 2/5 days Hungarian/English HU PECS01 University of Pecs (UP) Hungary
Studies abroad for students (SMS) Internships abroad for students and graduates (SMP) Teaching Staff Mobility (STA) Staff Mobility (STT) Please have a closer look at the right side of this page. There, you will find further and detailed information about all available measures. Staff from HEI partners in Erasmus Program with IPVC. What are the objectives?
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B GENT01 Ghent University Biochemistry SMS 2 (10) 2020/21 Veterinary Medicine SMS, STA 2 (6) 1 (10) 2020/21 . Croatia . HR ZAGREB01 University of Zagreb Veterinary Medicine SMS, STA 1 (3) 1 (5) 2020/21 SMS/SMT: bis Sommer/Herbst 2021; STA/STT: bis Mai 2022; Erasmus Charta für die Hochschulbildung 2014-2020 Jede Hochschuleinrichtung, die am EU-Programm für Veterinary Medicine SMS, STA 2 (10) 2 (5) 2020/21 E BARCELO02 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Veterinary Medicine SMS, STA, STT 1 (9) 1 (6) 2020/21 E CADIZ01 Universidad de Cádiz All ceiA3 areas STA, STT 1 (5) 1 (5) 2020/21 E CORDOBA01 Universidad de Córdoba All ceiA3 areas STA, STT 1 (5) 1 (5) 2020/21 STT STA EN-B1 EN-B2 2016-2022 https://ww en/page/era smus Portugal Universida de da Beira Interior P COVILHA 01 Political Science nd Internation al Relations SMS:1st 2 STA STT STA EN-B1 EN-B2 2016-2022 https://ww en/page/era smus Slovakia Technical University of Kosice SK KOSICE03 Political Science nd Economics SMS:1st 2 STA ITS - Gozo Triq l-Isqof Buttigieg, Qala QLA 1042, Gozo +356 2379 3400 Call for: STA (teaching)/or STT (training)/or Student Mobility for Studies (SMS)/ or Student Mobility for Practice* at the University of Bialystok. Professors/employees involved in the development of the Erasmus + programme, can be treated more prioritized in the recruitment procedure (for example granted with additional points etc.).
winter semester 2019/2020 – summer semester 2020
ERASMUS Code Name of Institution Field Types of Mobility. 1. Agreed contingent Valid until SMS. 2.
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ERASMUS PLUS - MOBILITA' STAFF AI FINI DI FORMAZIONE ALL'ESTERO. PORTALE DOCENTI/STAFF. Modulo accettazione/ rinuncia. Attestato fine periodo staff -facsimile. NEWS : Attestato docenza/formazione (aggiornato con modalità virtuale e mista) Staff Mobility for Training mobility agreement.
SMS - Student mobility for Studies. STA - Staff mobility for Acedemic Purposes. STT - Staff mobility for Training.
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(S M S , S M P , S T A , S T T). GENERAL RULES from HEIs participating in the Erasmus + programme with which AMK has not yet signed relevant agreements
Training - STT; Teaching - STA. Erasmus+. Erasmus Policy Statement – ZSEM (2014 – 2020) · Erasmus Natječaj STA – KA 103 · Natječaj STT – KA 103 Erasmus SMS Babysteps Guide. Outgoing STA & STT: call for proposals · Outgoing STA & STT: application form. Participa. Erasmus+ aims at boosting skills and employability, and modernizing including studies in European Higher Education Institutions ( Pour pouvoir bénéficier d'une mobilité de stage Erasmus+, un jeune diplômé devra SMS · Modèle de rapport participant mobilité des personnels STA et STT 7. Dez. 2020 Studierendenmobilität (SMS) Personalmobilität zu Lehrzwecken (STA) Personalmobilität zu Lernzwecken (STT).