2006-04-12 · Product Name: BoraSol-WP Application date: May 6, 2005 APt{ 1 2 2006 The Efficacy study referred to above, submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, submitted May 27, 2005 (MRlD# 4655760 1,46557602, and 46557603 have been evaluated/reviewed with comments and recommendations.
Kwas borowy. Borasol stosuje się w stanach zapalnych skóry i zewnętrznych dróg moczowo-płciowych, egzemach, oparzeniach, siniakach, obrzękach, powierzchownych uszkodzeniach skóry. powder, BoraSol-WP® 15% water solution or BoraSol-WP® 15% water solution with 1-3% foaming agent. Each method of application depends on the Target Pest and the location of treatment.
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BoraSol-WP® Solution when the wetted wood is "dry" to the touch. Where entry/exit holes from beetles, termites or ants are evident, application must be made by drilling and then injecting the solution under pressure into infested wood or until run-off is observed. Borasol plyn 0.3g/1g 200g. Boric acid. Borasol is used in inflammatory conditions of the skin and external urogenital, eczema, burns, bruises, swelling, superficial damage to the skin.
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Safe to use during the 6weeks after birth. First recommended to me by my Haitian friend 4years ago and here I am purchasing it again. Package arrived in 3days to ga with standard delivery. Definitely looking to use again. From the United States. africa. 5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent product.
Dosage form: powder Ingredients: EUCALYPTOL 0.091g in 100g, THYMOL 0.063g in 100g, METHYL SALICYLATE 0.055g in 100g, MENTHOL 0.01g in 100g
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BoraSol-WP® is a borate that is easily drawn into the center of a piece of wood where wood boring insects inflict damage on the wood (termites, Carpenter ants, Powderpost Beetles, etc). Applying both chemicals in one application gives total protection of wood and wood products.
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5. Would recommend. Good value.
BoraSol-WP® Powder applications BoraSol-WP can be applied as a dust using a dusting applicator available at most pesticide supply houses.
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APPLICATION RATES FOLIAR APPLICATION SOIL APPLICATION TYPE OF CROP OR USE BOROSOL 10 L/ha per Do not exceed a total of Single Application Application the following L/yr Rate L/ha ORNAMENTALS Trees & Shrubs 2.3 to 4.6 L/1000 L of water 2 9.4 to 18.9
BORASOL 3% płyn 100g w cenie 6,86 zł jest dostępny w aptece internetowej i-Apteka.pl! Borasol płyn 0.3g/1g 200g . Kwas borowy. Borasol stosuje się w stanach zapalnych skóry i zewnętrznych dróg moczowo-płciowych, egzemach, oparzeniach, siniakach, obrzękach, powierzchownych uszkodzeniach skóry.
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