Another popular theory is that chemtrails are well-intentioned attempts by the government to combat global warming or the depletion of the ozone layer by spraying particles into the atmosphere to deflect the sun's radiation — so called-albedo modification. Albedo refers to the amount of light radiation that is reflected back into space.
Den här veckan visas filmen "Why in the World are They Spraying?" (2012) om chemtrail och geoengineering.
Chemtrails do not dissipate quickly; they tend to form into mushy clouds which can block sunlight. Chemtrails Project UK is part of a growing worldwide movement that is raising awareness of chemtrails and taking action to ban climate geoengineering and weather modification. We have created the Directive to present hard, irrefutable evidence that this illicit, global crime is not merely a "proposal" but is indeed happening today. 2017-05-22 Geo-engineering - chemtrail evidence : heavy metals and poisons - aluminium, barium, strontium, desiccated human blood cells sprayed on all life forms on earth. GEO-ENGINEERING. CHEMTRAIL EVIDENCE.
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Plus there is the mysterious morgellons that began to be reported in early 2000. Chemtrails, short for chemical trails, are what some call the white trails you see left behind as a plane passes overhead. Believers in the chemical aspect of chemtrails say those trails are 2019-04-18 · The evidence that is presented for chemtrails do not have any strong evidence that explains it. The belief of chemical spraying would mean that thousands of people would be sworn to secrecy, like pilots, delivery men, aircraft maintainers, ect., and that not one person would have leaked the truth.
Lemoine Author VLOGBuy shirts and posters:https 2019-04-08 · For sure, Chemtrails are real, not a "conspiracy theory" and there is mounting evidence of the damage they are causing to the ecology and weather on the Earth.
Nov 23, 2013 Just one of the chemicals being sprayed profusely in Chemtrails is aluminum which causes all sorts of health problems. The chemicals attack the
Its protagonist is a celebrity looking back at when she was Jan 20, 2016 Yesterday, a man called local talk radio with a report of chemicals being sprayed by planes overhead. With no credible evidence whatsoever, Nov 23, 2013 Just one of the chemicals being sprayed profusely in Chemtrails is aluminum which causes all sorts of health problems. The chemicals attack the Aug 17, 2016 There is no secret government conspiracy spraying mind-altering chemicals from airplanes, a new study has concluded.
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Okt. 2020 Die Bundeskanzlerin greift durch: Um hartnäckige Corona-Leugner wieder in die Spur zu bekommen, hat Angela Merkel eine Intensivierung
Large Chemtrail Event Over DC/Frederick MD. 11/3/11. November 4, 2011 by admin. CHEMTRAILS ITS FACT “GOVERNMENT REPORT 128 PAGE PDF FILE”
Jul 9, 2019 The chemtrail conspiracy theory claims that some contrails are chemical, biological or otherwise toxic elements sprayed at high altitudes by
Mar 18, 2021 Lana Del Rey's new album opens with “White Dress”, a song about lost innocence. Its protagonist is a celebrity looking back at when she was
Jan 20, 2016 Yesterday, a man called local talk radio with a report of chemicals being sprayed by planes overhead. With no credible evidence whatsoever,
Nov 23, 2013 Just one of the chemicals being sprayed profusely in Chemtrails is aluminum which causes all sorts of health problems. The chemicals attack the
Aug 17, 2016 There is no secret government conspiracy spraying mind-altering chemicals from airplanes, a new study has concluded.
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My name is “ Captain X” and I spray chemtrails. You may have heard about the “ Jul 26, 2018 Last spring, Harvard climate scientist David Keith announced that he and a colleague intended to proceed with small-scale geoengineering May 5, 2016 This is genocide.” Suffice it to say, my predisposition to take photographs of chemtrail-riddled skies on occasion … More chemtrails over Philly pic May 22, 2014 Have you ever run into someone so stupid that you just had to play a prank on them? Welcome to the life of meteorologists who have to deal PDF | Discourse on social media of solar geoengineering has been rapidly increasing over the past decade, in line with increased attention by the | Find, read When a jet aircraft engine burns fuel, it produces waste in the form of heat and various gases, including water vapor. Since the exhaust comes out at a high Mar 29, 2016 By Morag Rose, University of Sheffield The X-Files recently returned to television after a fourteen year absence. The Guardian provides a useful Such conspiracy movement has been stimulated in recent times by the growing presence of condensation trails from commercial and military jet planes.
Chemtrails aka Geo engineering is happening in our skies daily.
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An honest discussion about the facts of Chemtrails from a current pilot. Mondays with Mover - Episode 47C.W. Lemoine Author VLOGBuy shirts and posters:https
50 minutes. PREREQUISITES: Students need to understand the difference Jan 20, 2016 Yesterday, a man called local talk radio with a report of chemicals being sprayed by planes overhead. With no credible evidence whatsoever, Feb 14, 2012 It does insult my intelligence that despite the fact the UK Government has conducted experiments with such chemicals before in Norwich i.e. The The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits the erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails are "chemtrails" consisting of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by high-flying aircraft, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public.
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Contrails are a natural phenomenon while chemtrails are not. The term chemtrails originated in the military though now, organized discrediting and disinformation campaigns engineered public opinion to deem anyone coining the term a conspiracy theorist. 2014-11-01 The chemtrail conspiracy relies on a poor understanding of science. The amount of chemical that would be required to affect just a few square miles exceeds the capacities of most aircraft. 2019-04-18 2020-12-02 (Alexander Light) Being questioned by Sue, a courageous and concerned citizen, NASA scientist Douglas E. Rowland admits chemtrails are real, during a phone conversation. Related The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails: 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned. Source – Humans Are Free 2018-09-22 2011-12-14 Chemtrails are said to electrify the soil which is good for growing genetically modified organism plants or GMO plants.