Milad Abolhalaj E-post: milad [dot] abolhalaj [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se Doktorand vid Institutionen för Immunteknologi Telefon: +462229246 Hämtställe: 90 Rumsnummer: MV406403H1 Besöksadress: Scheelevägen 2, Lund


Milad Abolhalaj. 2; Bagher Larijani. 1; Javad Tavakkoly Bazzaz. 3; Mahsa M. Amoli. 1; Email author; 1. Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center (EMRC) Dr Shariati Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences Tehran Iran; 2. Science and Research Branch Azad University Tehran Iran; 3.

1. Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center (EMRC), Tehran University of Medical IL-23 gene expression in PBMCs of patients with coronary artery disease IL-23 gene expression in PBMCs of patients with coronary artery disease Khojasteh-Fard, Maryam ; Abolhalaj, Milad ; Amiri, Parvin ; Zaki, Majid ; Taheri, Zahra ; Qorbani, Mostafa ; Bazzaz, Javad Tavakkoly ; Amoli, Mahsa M. 2012-01-01 00:00:00 Objective: Both adaptive and innate immune systems are involved in coronary Nilsson JS, Abolhalaj M, Lundberg K, Lindstedt M and Greiff L: Dendritic cell subpopulations in nasopharyngeal cancer. Oncol Lett 17: 2557-2561, 2019 Milad Abolhalaj, Mahsa M. Amoli, Parvin Amiri, " eNOS Gene Variant in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease ", Journal of Biomarkers, vol. 2013, Article ID 403783, 6 All content in this area was uploaded by Milad Abolhalaj. Content may be subject to copyright. ORIGINAL ARTICLE.

Milad abolhalaj

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LUCC will support Lund University and Skåne University Hospital managements in strategic decisions in the cancer field and coordinate different initiatives and activities. LUCC will also serve as contact point Anna Isinger Ekstrand knuten till universitetet Tidigare namn: Anna Ekstrand Tidigare namn: Anna Isinger.; Institutionen för Immunteknologi; LUCC - Lunds universitets cancercentrum; Person Abolhalaj, Milad, Sweden. Project and Conference Reports - CEE, LTH 2018: Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Articles Building trust in the classroom - how language barriers can be overcome Abstract Dendritic cells (DCs) have a key role in orchestrating immune responses and are considered important targets for immunotherapy against cancer. In order to develop effective cancer vaccines, detailed knowledge of the micromilieu in cancer lesions is warranted. In this study, flow cytometry and human transcriptome arrays were used to characterize subsets of DCs in head and neck squamous cell 2015-09-01 ORIGINAL ARTICLE TGF-b and IL-23 gene expression in unstimulated PBMCs of patients with diabetes Farzaneh Abbasi • Parvin Amiri • Forough A. Sayahpour • Saeed Pirmoradi • Milad Abolhalaj Nilsson JS, Abolhalaj M, Lundberg K, Lindstedt M and Greiff L: Dendritic cell subpopulations in nasopharyngeal cancer. Oncol Lett 17: 2557-2561, 2019 eNOS Gene Variant in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease.

Work environment and health Salary and benefits Annual leave, leave of absence and sick leave Professional and careers development Working hours Terms of employment For new employees For international staff Division of Russian Studies, Central and Eastern European Studies, Yiddish, and European Studies. Central and Eastern European Studies. European Studies Milad Abolhalaj 1 , David Askmyr 2 3 , Christina Alexandra Sakellariou 1 , Kristina Lundberg 1 , Lennart Greiff 2 3 , Malin Lindstedt 4 Affiliations 1 Department of Immunotechnology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.

Milad Abolhalaj är född 1986 och firar sin födelsedag 21 september. På Eniro kan du hitta Milads telefonnummer, adress, samt intressanta fakta om bostad och 

Department of Immunotechnology; BioCARE: Biomarkers in Cancer Medicine improving Health Care, Education and Innovation; LUCC - Lund University Cancer Centre Milad Abolhalaj Doktorand, Projektassistent . milad [dot] abolhalaj [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se +46 46 222 92 46 Ann-Sofie Albrekt Forskningsingenjör . ann-sofie [dot] albrekt [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se 2018-05-23 · Milad Abolhalaj, Christina Alexandra Sakellariou, Kristina Lundberg & Malin Lindstedt.

Milad abolhalaj

DOI: 10.3233/DMA-2012-00933 Corpus ID: 9400136. IL-23 Gene Expression in PBMCs of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease @article{KhojastehFard2012IL23GE, title={IL-23 Gene Expression in PBMCs of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease}, author={Maryam Khojasteh-Fard and Milad Abolhalaj and P. Amiri and Majid Zaki and Z. Taheri and M. Qorbani and J. T. Bazzaz and M. Amoli}, journal={Disease

Milad abolhalaj

Anders Mårtensson, MD ; Milad Abolhalaj, MSc; Malin Lindstedt, PhD; Anette Mårtensson, MSc;. Tobias C. Olofsson, PhD; Alejandra Vásquez, PhD; Lennart  Johan S. Nilsson, Milad Abolhalaj, Kristina Lundberg, Malin Lindstedt & Lennart Greiff, 2019, In: Oncology Letters. 17, 2, p. 2557-2561 5 p. Research output:  Milad Abolhalaj, David Askmyr, Christina Sakellariou, Kristina Lundberg, Lennart Greiff & Malin Lindstedt, 2018 maj 23, I: Scientific Reports. 8, 8030, 8030.

Page Manager: 2020-02-15.
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Milad abolhalaj

The aim of this study was to evaluate TH17 cytokines expression profiles in un-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBMCs) of patients with coronary artery disease. Methods: Expression profiles of IL-17, IL-23, and TGF-β1 were determined in individuals with and without CAD using Real-time PCR. 2015-12-09 Serena Bisagni, Milad Abolhalaj, Alexandre G. de Brevern, Joseph Rebehmed, Rajni Hatti-Kaul and Gashaw Mamo Enhancing the Activity of a Dietzia sp. D5 Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenase Towards Cyclohexanone by Saturation Mutagenesis. ChemistrySelect 2017, DOI: 10.1002/slct.201701212 Enza Biotech AB has been acquired by the British company Croda. Milad Abolhalaj, Andy Forreryd, PhD Frida Rydnert, PhD Catja Freiburghaus, PhD Henrik Johansson, PhD Sissela Broos, PhD Kristina Larsson, PhD Emma Wikström, M.Sc Maria Nordin, M.Sc Kathrin Zeller, PhD Robin Gradin, PhD 2017-11-08 DOI: 10.3233/DMA-2012-00933 Corpus ID: 9400136.

The aim of this study was to evaluate TH17 cytokines expression profiles in un-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBMCs) of patients with coronary artery disease.
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Milad Abolhalaj Doctoral student . milad [dot] abolhalaj [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se. Magnus Abrahamson Principal investigator . magnus [dot] abrahamson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se. Johan Abrahamsson Doctoral student

Doktorand, Projektassistent. · +462229246 · Ann-Sofie Albrekt. Forskningsingenjör. ABOLHALAJ, MILAD, Paris, Frankrike, Vetenskapligt möte.

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Milad Abolhalaj, Andy Forreryd, PhD Frida Rydnert, PhD Catja Freiburghaus, PhD Henrik Johansson, PhD Sissela Broos, PhD Kristina Larsson, PhD Emma Wikström, M.Sc Maria Nordin, M.Sc Kathrin Zeller, PhD Robin Gradin, PhD

2557-2561 5 p. Research output:  23 Dec 2016 Serena Bisagni, Milad Abolhalaj, Alexandre G. de Brevern, Joseph Rebehmed, Rajni Hatti-Kaul, Gashaw Mamo. Enhancing the Activity of a  6 Nov 2018 1Lund University, Lund, Sweden; 2Alligator Bioscience AB, Lund, Sweden. Correspondence: Milad Abolhalaj ( Milad Abolhalaj (Department of Immunotechnology, CREATE. Health Translational Cancer Center, Lund University), Henrik Lill- jebjörn (Division of Clinical  87 Results Zeguo,Hamieh, Mohamad,Eyquem, Justin,Gunset, Gertrude,Bander, Neil, Sadelain, Michel,Askmyr, David,Abolhalaj, Milad,Lundberg, Kristina,Greiff  12 Sep 2012 2003189912.