VDL Bova, frem til 2003 kun Bova, er en nederlandsk busfabrikant, som tilhører VDL Groep. Firmaet har siden 1931 bygget turistbusser på hovedsædet i Valkenswaard. Modelprogram. Bova er frem for alt kendt for Bova Futura, en turistbus med strømlineformet karrosseri introduceret i 1982 og med DAF-motor.


Der Geschäftsbereich VDL Bus & Coach umfasst das Omnibusgeschäft der VDL Groep, das 1993 mit dem Erwerb der Mehrheitsbeteiligung an der Bussparte von DAF begann. Berkhof, ein niederländischer Hersteller von Reise-und Linienbussen, ist seit 1998 ein Teil von VDL.

Citea on hollantilais-belgialaisen VDL Bus & Coachin valmistama kaupunkilinja-auto, joka on tällä hetkellä saatavilla täysmatalalattiana (Low Floor, SLF - vaihtoehtoina tavallisen lisäksi hybridi, sähkö ja nivel), etumatalalattiana (Low Entry, SLE/XLE) sekä kevytrakenne-etumatalalattiana (Light Low Entry, LLE). Le premier produit de synergie du VDL Bus & Coach est le VDL BOVA Synergy, un autocar à double étage. Le deuxième produit de synergie est le VDL BOVA Lexio, un véhicule interurbain. Ces deux véhicules sont issus d’un accord de collaboration entre VDL Berkhof Valkenswaard, VDL BOVA, VDL Bus International et VDL Jonckheere. VDL Bus Heerenveen (voorheen VDL Berkhof Heerenveen) is een Nederlandse autobusfabriek in Heerenveen.Op deze locatie worden onder andere stads-en streekbussen gemaakt. Het bedrijf is een dochteronderneming van de busdivisie VDL Bus & Coach van de VDL Groep.

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It is an amalgamation of several bus building companies within the VDL Groep. VDL Bus & Coach has manufacturing plants in Belgium and the Netherlands. By 2018 VDL Bus & Coach sold 500 electric buses. VDL companies. VDL Bus & Coach - bus and coach builder based in Valkenswaard.; VDL Nedcar - a brand independent car manufacturing plant in Born; VDL TIM Hapert - is an international company specialized in the mechanical processing of cast and forging works and welding assemblies, spindles and complete products.; VDL ETG - Former Philips precision machine factories, specializes in high tech In 2021, VDL Bus & Coach will present the new generation of Citeas.

Er volgen twee grote overnames in de bussector: in 1998 wordt de Berkhof Jonckheere Groep overgenomen en in 2003 BOVA .

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository VDL buses built in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Het bedrijf voerde tussen 1881 en 1994 jaar de naam Jonckheere . In 1994 werd het bedrijf opgekocht door de Berkhof Groep en gaat sinds 1998 verder als VDL Jonckheere Bus & Coach N.V. . VDL Bus Chassis is a Netherlands-based bus builder which originated from the bus-building business of DAF. Originally named DAF Bus International after being separated from the truck-building business of DAF, it joined the United Bus in 1990.

Vdl bus wiki

VDL巴士(VDL Bus Chassis)是一間位於荷蘭的巴士及客車底盤製造商。 1 歷史 2 DAF Bus/VDL生產的巴士型號 3 註釋及參考資料 4 相關條目 5 外部連結 VDL巴士(當時稱為DAF Bus International)於1990年從DAF汽車生產線中獨立出來,並加入United Bus集團成為其子公司。

Vdl bus wiki

It is an amalgamation of several bus building companies within the VDL Groep. VDL Bus & Coach  VDL Groep is an international industrial and manufacturing company established in 1953. From its head office in Eindhoven, Netherlands, VDL supervises its subsidiaries, which have a high level of autonomy and responsibility for results. VDL Bus & Coach is a bus manufacturing company located in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Originally DAF Bus International, the section separated from DAF Trucks  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia VDL Bus & Coach is a Netherlands based bus manufacturer.

2. Assembling the relay bracket (16) and fixing it with the screw (18). 3. Lay the new cable harness (17) like the original cable, connection see at the circuit diagram. 4.
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Vdl bus wiki

VDL Bus Roeselare is een autobusfabriek in het Belgische Beveren bij Roeselare en is onderdeel van VDL Bus & Coach. Het bedrijf voerde tussen 1881 en 1994 jaar de naam Jonckheere . In 1994 werd het bedrijf opgekocht door de Berkhof Groep en gaat sinds 1998 verder als VDL Jonckheere Bus & Coach N.V. . VDL Bus & Coach is a Netherlands based bus manufacturer. It is an amalgamation of several bus building companies within the VDL Groep.

Based on the VDL vision, a bus concept has been developed entirely based on an electric driveline, ready for a future where zero emission is a matter of course. VDL巴士(VDL Bus Chassis)是一間位於荷蘭的巴士及客車底盤製造商。 1 歷史 2 DAF Bus/VDL生產的巴士型號 3 註釋及參考資料 4 相關條目 5 外部連結 VDL巴士(當時稱為DAF Bus International)於1990年從DAF汽車生產線中獨立出來,並加入United Bus集團成為其子公司。 In 1993 VDL Groep made its entry into the bus and coach world, with the takeover of DAF Bus International. The group continued to grow, with two further major takeovers in the bus sector.
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Bij VDL Bus & Coach hebben we een duidelijke visie op de mobiliteit van de toekomst en zijn we continu in beweging om hier nu al flexibel op in te spelen. We begrijpen wat onze klanten beweegt en luisteren naar hun wensen. Dat zorgt voor vervoers- en turnkey-oplossingen op maat, met oog voor mens en milieu, die we samen met onze partners

VDL Bus Chassis is a Netherlands-based bus builder which originated from the bus-building business of DAF.. Originally named DAF Bus International after being separated from the truck-building business of DAF, it joined the United Bus in 1990.

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In 1993 VDL Groep made its entry into the bus and coach world, with the takeover of DAF Bus International. The group continued to grow, with two further major takeovers in the bus sector. Berkhof Jonckheere Groep was acquired in 1998, followed in 2003 by BOVA.

2. Assembling the relay bracket (16) and fixing it with the screw (18). 3. Lay the new cable harness (17) like the original cable, connection see at the circuit diagram. 4. Testing the function of the doors with the updated component shelf Slavnostní předání prvního nového autobusu VDL Futura2 FHD2 129-410, Euro 5/EEV, 53+1+1, firmě TRANSCENTRUN bus s.r.o. Mladá Boleslav, vozidlo přebírá osobně pan Martin Bělovský.