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‎The best job app for actors, singers, dancers, crew and media creatives. Daily new jobs, castings and auditions all over Europe. An excellent complement to your StagePool account - now in your iPad or iPhone! Publishing thousands of productions and job offers monthly, StagePool is the best chance f…

You or your agent will be able to apply for assignments when international casting directors is looking for Scandinavian, German, Austrian and Swiss performers, and your Pro CV will automatically be available in the Spotlight directory. Performers & creatives. Create your free StagePool profile to expose yourself to the entertainment industry. Find matching jobs in film, commercial, television, theatre, music and media.

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The payment information can also be found on your invoice. You can, (in some cases), pay your unpaid invoice by credit card. Click on the button below to go to Download StagePool Jobs & Castings for iOS to the best job app for actors, singers, dancers, crew and media creatives. Daily new jobs, castings and auditions all over Europe. An excellent The best job app for actors, singers, dancers, crew and media creatives. Daily new jobs, castings and auditions all over Europe.

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