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disease and a list of major access barriers iden- tified. HDI calculated based on the new method (2010 Report onwards), based on three dimensions: Life.
Inimarengu indeks (inglise keeles Human Development Index, HDI) on riikide võrdlemisel kasutatav statistiline näitaja, mis võtab arvesse kolme tegurit: oodatav eluiga, haridus ja elatustase.Indeks võimaldab võrrelda inimeste elukvaliteeti riigiti.Indeks on loodud majandusteadlaste Mahbub ul Haq (1934–1998) ja Nobeli auhinna laureaadi Amartya Sen poolt 1990. aastal. Wskaźnik rozwoju społecznego, WRS, HDI (od ang. Human Development Index, w dosł. tłum. „wskaźnik rozwoju ludzkiego”) – syntetyczny miernik opisujący stopień rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznego poszczególnych krajów (stąd czasem nazywany wskaźnikiem rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznego), opracowany w roku 1990 przez pakistańskiego ekonomistę Mahbuba ul Haqa.
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Hyvin korkea HDI-indeksi 1 Chile: 0,847 2 Argentiina: 0,827 Korkea HDI-indeksi 3 Uruguay: 0,795 4 Venezuela: 0,767 5 Brasilia: 0,754 6 Peru: 0,740 7 Ecuador: 0,739 8 Kolumbia: 0,727 9 Suriname: 0,725 Keskitason HDI-indeksi 10 Paraguay: 0,693 Inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi (human development index) kuvaa valtion sijoittumista kolmella mittarilla mitattuna: odotettu elinikä, koulutus sekä elintaso (BKT/henkilö). Ei tietoa. Inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi eli HDI ( engl. Human Development Index) on Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien kehitysohjelman (UNDP) luoma mittari, joka koostuu odotettavissa olevasta elinajasta, koulutuksesta ja elintasosta. ‘Country profiles’ page – presents HDI values and ranks, data visualizations/trends for the HDI and other composite indices, country explanatory notes, and over 150 other indicators. Datasets include definitions of indicators and sources for original data components at the end of each table, with full source details in the Statistical Indeksen måler et lands gjennomsnittlige resultater på tre grunnleggende områder: 1. Forventet levealder, 2.
HDI calculated based on the new method (2010 Report onwards), based on three dimensions: Life.
H-indeksin eli Hirsch-indeksin on kehittänyt professori Jorge E Hirsch vuonna 2005. Indeksi mittaa tutkijan julkaisutehokkuutta ja tuotettujen julkaisujen merkittävyyttä. Mitä suurempi h-indeksi on, sitä enemmän tutkijalla on viittauksia saaneita julkaisuja. H-indeksi on positiivinen kokonaisluku, joka lasketaan seuraavasti:
Indeksi i zhvillimit të njeriut, është një masë e krahasimit të jetëgjatësisë, arsimimit, dhe të shkrim- leximit, arsimit dhe HDI është një mjet standard për matjen e mir Indeksi i Zhvillimit Njerëzor (HDI i shkurtuar zakonisht) është një përmbledhje e zhvillimit njerëzor në të gjithë botën Lista e elementeve që ndodhin natyrshëm. Think about how much a simple plate of food would cost you. Now select a country from the list above to see how much in equivalent income the meal would cost II.1.1 Veçoritë demografike dhe Indeksi i zhvillimit njerzor në Kosovë .
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disease and a list of major access barriers iden- tified. HDI calculated based on the new method (2010 Report onwards), based on three dimensions: Life. indeksi. hDi. hPi-21. 1.
0.954. Schweiz. Integroi. HDI Asteikko 0-1 (0 on huono, 1 on paras) (2018) Kaavio. Integroi.
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disease and a list of major access barriers iden- tified. HDI calculated based on the new method (2010 Report onwards), based on three dimensions: Life. indeksi. hDi.
Switzerland is in second place with a score of 0.946. Ireland ranks third with a score of 0.942.
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May 1, 2020 16 HDI, according to UNDP Kosovo, Kosovo Human Development Report 138 Republic of Kosovo Official Gazette, Lista e Ligjeve të Pakos së Bertelsmann, Transformation Index 2010, Report on Kosovo (Indeksi i trans-.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) compiles the Human Development Index (HDI) of 189 countries in the annual Human Development Report.The index considers the health, education and income in a given country to provide a measure of human development which is comparable between countries and over time. Human Development Index is scored using indicators including expectancy, per capita income, and education. Nations that rank higher on this index have a higher education level, a higher lifespan, and a higher gross national income per capita than nations with a lower score. The Human Development Index (HDI) is an index that measures key dimensions of human development.
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Značenja HDI na engleskom jeziku Kao što je gore spomenuto, HDI se koristi kao akronim u tekstnim porukama koje predstavljaju Indeks ljudskog razvoja. Ova stranica je sve o akronima HDI i njezinih značenja kao Indeks ljudskog razvoja. Molimo imajte na umu da Indeks ljudskog razvoja nije jedino značenje HDI.
2005-04-15 Valtioiden inhimillisen kehityksen indeksi 2019 (julkaistu 2020). > 0,800 (Hyvin korkea) 0,700–0,799 (Korkea) 0,550–0,699 (Keskitasoa) 0,350–0,550 (Matala) Ei tietoa.