27 Tháng Mười Hai 2019 Được sự quan tâm của lãnh đạo bệnh viện, khoa Huyết học đã được trang bị thêm 01 máy đếm tế bào Sysmex XN-1000. Đây là dòng máy mới
Sysmex erbjuda en nedgradering av mjukvaran till version 00-18 om du Om det totala WBC värdet är mindre än 1,000/μl, kontrollera scattergrammet. manuell mikroskopi eller andra alternativa instrument (ex XN-serien).
Enheten har analyseinstrumentene Cobas 6000, Sysmex XN-1000 og Sta Satellite. Innen blodbankområdet utføres aferesetapping og blodtypeserologi. ysed on Sysmex XN 9000. The tube which was duksjon ved mitt laboratorium der vi kun har Sysmex- instrumenter, XE 2100 og F1000 Prime. Reports 2014 Fackliga företrädare nås via Svevias växel, tfn 08-404 1000.
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XN-1000 - introducing Sysmex´s flagship analyser. 100 samples/h. Sampler capacity 5 racks. Choose diagnostic APPs as needed. Short turnaround times. Networking and remote services capabilities.
Sysmex XN Series is a solution that gives all labs the exact same test 5 Jun 2019 The Sysmex XN-10 automated hematology analyzer (Sysmex (WPC) on the Sysmex XN-1000 analyser in a specialist paediatric hospital. och Sysmex XN-1000 Pure 22982 mot ett referensinstrument, Sysmex XN-1000 22681.
XN-1000 - Sysmex Europe GmbH - PDF Catalogs | Technical cheatsheet 18.6501 v2.pdf PDF) Usefulness of automated hematology analyzer Sysmex XN .
The XN-20 offers an additional analysis channel, the white precursor cell (WPC) channel, which provides improved differentiation of abnormal WBC populations. With its small footprint, the XN-1000 standalone offers reproducible result quality in the shortest possible time. Built with an automated re-run/reflex capability, it significantly reduces manual interventions and frees up time and resources.
Sysmex products are unique. They reflect our drive for excellence and our profound love of knowledge. We are very aware of the fact that we can and do make a genuine positive contribution to our domains in the healthcare industry, and therefore to the health of individuals.
The XN-20 offers an additional analysis channel, the white precursor cell (WPC) channel, which provides improved differentiation of … With its small footprint, the XN-1000 standalone offers reproducible result quality in the shortest possible time.
By automatically reanalysing samples for which results are considered unreliable, it significantly reduces manual interventions and frees up time and resources. Flexible and modular, ready to grow with your laboratory The revolutionary Sysmex® XN-Series has been further enhanced. The XN analytical modules can now be installed in pairs, thus, Sysmex solutions concentrate all their analytical power to meet the demands of productivity in an even smaller space. Sysmex XN-Series
Sysmex America is lighting the way to better health with diagnostic solutions that transform the future of healthcare and contribute to healthier lives. Its innovative hematology, urinalysis and flow cytometry testing technology is reshaping the world of diagnostics across the U.S., Canada and Latin America. The XN-1000 R is designed to be a step ahead of hematology analyzers of the past and change the way you perform hematology in the modern clinical laboratory. This new, compact system offers proven and innovative flow cytometry, fluorescent technologies
XN-1000 - introducing Sysmex´s flagship analyser In its Rerun & Reflex configuration, the XN-1000 offers reproducible result quality in the shortest possible time.
Fonderia case study
Sysmex XN-1000. Södersjukhuset.
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If bench space is at a premium, a wagon kit providing a floor-standing platform is an available option. XN-1000 comes standard with the XN-10 CBC analyzer. Now, it can be upgraded to include the NEW XN-20 CBC analyzer, as an alternative option to the XN-10.
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Objective: We assessed the predictive potential of XN-HPC for CD34+ cell count as obtained through Sysmex automated hematology analyzers (XN-1000).
The XN-2000 system is a combination of two analytical modules capable of processing 200 samples per hour. Equipped with all the available diagnostic applications and an enhanced sample processing, this standalone-compact solution offers productivity and greater security as one can act as a back-up solution anytime. XN-1000 - introducing Sysmex´s flagship analyser This is a standalone, benchtop instrument.
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Sysmex XN-1000. Södersjukhuset. Huddinge. Södertälje. Erytrocyter, volym (MCV).