In her new book Victims’ Rights and Victims’ Wrongs (Stanford University Press, 2009), Vera Bergelson, Professor of Law at Rutgers School of Law–Newark, criticizes the current approach and outlines a more fair, coherent, and efficient set of rules to recognize that victims sometimes share responsibility for their losses or injuries


Evaluating a number of controversial cases involving euthanasia, sadomasochism, date rape, battered wives, and "innocent" aggressors, Vera Bergelson builds a theoretical foundation for reform. Her approach to comparative criminal liability takes into account the actions of both the perpetrator and the victim and offers a unitary explanation for consent, self-defense, and provocation.

Public users  Join Facebook to connect with Vera Bergelson and others you may know. Facebook gives Works at Rutgers University School of Law, Newark. College. Rutgers University, Newark Criminal Law · Bergelson, Vera, Preview. Criminal Law · Bergelson, Vera, Preview. Criminal Law · Bergelson, Vera, Preview. Vera Bergelson specializes in criminal law theory.

Vera bergelson rutgers

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Criminal Law · Bergelson, Vera, Preview. Vera Bergelson specializes in criminal law theory. She has written about consent, provocation, self-defense, necessity, victimless crime, and human trafficking. Comments on Vera Bergelson's “Vice is Nice but Incest is Best”.

Set up email alerts. Public link to this page. Set up email alerts when new articles by this author are Bergelson, Vera University/Affiliation Rutgers School of Law Title : Professor of Law : Status : Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty: Professor Type : Doctrinal: ORCID ID Register or Connect your ORCID iD Vera Bergelson: Title(s) Associate Professor of Law: Law school Rutgers School of Law-Newark: Subject(s) Criminal Justice: Outline(s) Rutgers Newark Bergelson Criminal Justice: Create an Outline for Vera Bergelson's Class Consent To Harm, Vera Bergelson Rutgers Law School (Newark) Faculty Papers This article continues conversation about consent to physical harm started in Vera Bergelson, The Right to Be Hurt: Testing the Boundaries of Consent, 75 Geo. Wash.

Vera Bergelson Law Professor at Rutgers University Law School Greater New York City Area 99 connections

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“Autonomy, Dignity, and Consent to Harm,” 60 Rutgers L. Rev. 723 (2008) (David J. Stoffer lecture) Vera Bergelson Last modified by:

Vera bergelson rutgers

Skickas inom 10-15 vardagar. Köp Victims' Rights and Victims' Wrongs av Vera Bergelson på Co-Dean David Lopez explores timely moral issues in criminal law with Rutgers Law Professors Vera Bergelson and Stuart Green. Learn more about Professor Bergelson. Learn more about Professor Green. The Power of Attorney is produced by Rutgers Law School.

Before joining the Rutgers faculty in 2001, she was an associate with Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton in New York for six years. Vera Bergelson is a professor in the Law department at Rutgers Law School - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Professor Vera Bergelson presents on “Sex and Sensibility” March 18, 2021. Professor Bergelson presented her paper “Sex and Sensibility at a workshop entitled “Sexual Assault and Rape” held Thursday, March 18 and Friday, March 19, 2021. Vera Bergelson is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Vera Bergelson and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.
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Vera bergelson rutgers

Abstract. Vera Bergelson, Rutgers (Newark) School of Law; Download Comments. 75 Geo. Wash.

Toward Property Rights in Personal Information. Vera Bergelson - Rutgers School of Law-Newark - 379.
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In Vera Bergelson’s popular seminar, Moral Puzzles of Criminal Law, students study cases, stories, articles, and current events to explore complex issues of law and morality, answering perplexing questions such as how the law should treat persons who do the …

Vera Bergelson is Professor of Law and Robert E. Knowlton Scholar at Rutgers University. AUTONOMY, DIGNITY, AND CONSENT TO HARM.

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Co-Dean David Lopez explores timely moral issues in criminal law with Rutgers Law Professors Vera Bergelson and Stuart Green. Learn more about Professor Bergelson. Learn more about Professor Green. The Power of Attorney is produced by Rutgers Law School.

Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. FREE Background Report. Check Reputation Score for Vera Bergelson in Ringwood, NJ - View Criminal & Court Records | Photos | Address, Emails & Phone Numbers | Personal Review | $250K+ Income & Net Worth 2018-10-04 · Vera Bergelson (Rutgers Law School - Newark) has posted Self-Defense and Risks (The Ethics of Self-Defence, Forthcoming) on SSRN. Here is the abstract: In this paper, I discuss certain issues related to one's right to use force against a risk This article continues conversation about consent to physical harm started in Vera Bergelson, The Right to Be Hurt: Testing the Boundaries of Consent, 75 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 165 (2007). Intentionally injuring or killing another person is presumptively wrong. To overcome this presumption, the perpetrator must establish a defense of justification.