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Discover celebrates and marks the first significant career milestone for our eligible client service staff ─ promotion to senior associate. New senior associates step away from work to attend a leadership development experience at an exclusive location where they explore leadership on a deeply personal level, including understanding the importance of a strong support network. Senior Associate Nov 2013 - Present PwC - Little Rock, AR Seniored integrated audit engagements of various clients from small privately held manufacturing companies to large, Fortune 500 publicly traded telecommunications companies As a Senior Associate, you'll work as part of a team of problem solvers, helping to solve complex business issues from strategy to execution. PwC Professional skills and responsibilities for this management level include but are not limited to: Use feedback and reflection to develop self awareness, personal strengths and address development areas. We are seeking suitably qualified high performing senior associates to join in Assurance Line of Service. You will be involved in providing assurance services to our portfolio of international and local clients.
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Senior Associate salaries at PwC can range from $50,451 - $111,986. This estimate is based upon 250 PwC Senior Associate salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. Average PwC Senior Tax Associate yearly pay in the United States is approximately $130,762, which is 37% above the national average. Salary information comes from 732 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months.
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