The annual report is attached and is also available on Storebrand's web site: Lysaker, 17 March 2021 Contacts: Head
IR är inte PR, menar analytikerna, som säger att om man en gång har blivit förd bakom ljuset är förtroendet som bortblåst. Ett annat viktigt råd till IR-avdelningarna
As a large stock exchange listed company and an important participant in society, Storebrand is committed to building good relationships with its stakeholders, who include shareholders, corporate bodies, management, employees, customers, lenders, and society as a whole. account_circle keyboard_arrow_down. English Bytt språk; Logg ut; Meny menu menu Storebrand's principles for corporate governance correspond with the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance, and there are no deviations. For the full Code of Practice, see (in Norwegian).
Get an overview of the Storebrand affairs. Here you can find our strategies, reports and presentations, news and more. Storebrand Investor Relations - Storebrand Here you find the Storebrand group's annual reports with results, strategy and plan for long-term value creation. Summary of presentations from financial conferences and general investor presentations on Storebrand. Presentations 2021 Investor Presentation - Green EUR Tier 2 Bond, March 2021 Investor Relations (IR) works to ensure that owners, potential investors and other financial market stakeholders simultaneously receive correct, concise, relevant and holistic information about Storebrand.
Share price (NOK)* -0.82% 29.06. USD/NOK exchange rate ** 8.51. Dividend per share Q4 2020 annualized (USD)*** 0.212.
Storebrand ASA (OSE: STB) er et norsk selskap i markedet for langsiktig sparing og forsikring.Konsernet består av selskaper som tilbyr livsforsikring, skadeforsikring, kapitalforvaltning og bank, rettet mot privatpersoner, bedrifter, kommuner og offentlige virksomheter.
If you have any investor-related questions, please reach out to our Head of Investor Relations and we will do our best to assist you. Storebrand ASA (OSE: STB) er et norsk selskap i markedet for langsiktig på: Investors · Reports and presentations · Stock exchange notices · Financial calendar · General meetings · Bonds · Investor relations policy. 17 Feb 2021 Contacts Head of Investor Relations, Sundahl, Daniel daniel.sundahl@ or (+47) 913 61 899.
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See the Q4 2020 Earnings Announcement Explore the 2020 Annual Report Earnings & financials. Financial reporting.
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Handelsbanken säljer SPP till Storebrand för 18 miljarder kronor. är Ulf Riese, CFO och Bengt Ragnå, chef Investor Relations.
It can be a long snippet, a short snippet, whatever you prefer the size of card and description to be.This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. Norska Storebrands rörelseresultatet var positivt och bättre än väntat i tredje kvartalet. Rörelseresultatet blev 672 miljoner norska kronor (580), väntat rörelseresultat var 619. Koncernresultatet före amorteringar uppgick till 1 012 miljoner norska kronor (700).
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3 Apr 2020 Investors with nearly $200 billion in assets holding shares in Japan's Mizuho Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP), Storebrand ASA STB.
april 2021. Kontaktperson: Daniel Sundahl, Head of Investor Relations & Rating, Storebrand ASA mobiltelefon +47 913 61 899 eller The shareholder ID data are provided by Nasdaq OMX. The data are obtained through the analysis of beneficial ownership and fund manager information Åsa Wallenberg is CEO at SPP Funds and Head of Funds at Storebrand Asset Management, Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications. Storebrand ASA grundades 1767 och har sitt huvudkontor i Lysaker, Norge. Pensionsföretaget har cirka 40 000 företagskunder och 1,9 miljoner enskilda kunder Kommunikationsdirektör Storebrand Jan Otto Risebrobakken: +47 48 08 26 02.